Thursday, March 12, 2015

Video Game Spotlight - Terror Time Review: Outlast Game play video is here!

Hello all, 

Lady Llilith here. I finally got around to filming a video of an amazing horror game called Outlast. Here you will see me screaming and cursing like a sailor because holy shit this game is ridiculous. And by ridiculous I mean ridiculously good.  Outlast is rated M for mature and with good reason. Blood, guts, language, and intense graphic scenes. If you don’t like that kind of thing, well why are you on this site? This is horror people! No but seriously, this game starts off with some graphic scenes but later on it gets really bad so if you are squeamish at all, maybe just stick to reading our reviews.

Overall I had a great time playing this game and I now know what all the hype was surrounding it. I can’t wait to keep playing more! 

RATING: 10/10 - would play again and again and again. 

I hope you enjoy my very first gaming video and please leave some feedback on what other games or topics you would like me to review for future videos!

Terrifyingly yours,
Lady Llilith